Saturday, April 14, 2007

new renders

So it turns out that I decided again to make some more modifications to my design. It seems like every few weeks I decide that I don't like something on the current design and change it. I figure the longer I take to come up with a finished product the better it will look.
I've updated the renders in my "finalized renders" link, and I'd like you to vote or comment on what one you like better, the old more edgy look (grey coloured) or the more rounded one (orange coloured)
I've also decided to name my car the Equilibrium, meaning balanced in Greek I think. A great name for a sports car if you ask me, unless you can think of something better to call it.
Please feel free to comment on what you like and don't like about each design, as well as my choice of name.


MARK said...

Hi Dave

Fantastic designs !!!. Im more inclined to say that the grey more edgy design is better. But will reserve final judgment. I think that the overall design is fantastic. Im busy with a small back yard go-kart and Wendy House for the kids but have always been interested in building a small plane or car. Found your link through . Im from south africa and will be verr keen to see the progress of this project.

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to Mark! I think the newer design is much more professional looking. If you ever have any doubts about it, just remember the jeep compass, and the ferrari enzo, both blockish and ugly compaired to the smoother versions of their brothers and sisters. I'm in the process of designing a small electric three wheeler, that is similar(somewhat) to yours, and appreciate your blog!